It was born over and over again. Hundreds, thousands, millions of times. Each time, it was a new species. And each time, it evolved back into itself.
Since the day he was born, he had been expecting the day he could choose between his existence and consciousness.
Please wait... Please wait... You can now cross the street.
"No doubt we are different from animals. No, they can't build spaceships. No, they can't understand math. Sure they can't write poets as Shelley does. Darn! Can you swim like a whale? Fly like an eagle? Can you hear like a bat? Are you as beautiful as a cat? Do you smell wonderful like a cat? It is totally nonsense and nothing more than discrimination to adopt our criteria as mind in a moral universe in which we decide who has the rights or who doesn't and who is inclusive of society! If giraffes were as narrow-minded, as arrogant and as prejudicious as humans you would have no rights unless you are 6 feet tall. Would you like to live in such an imperialist giraffe world in which they cut you alive to eat and torture you because you are not that tall? Here, our moral code is that discriminatory and prejudicious."
Steve Best
Spirit of the broken item, hear me out! We fell to pieces but let's accept it, we had a great time.
All was set to start the life from scratch. So now, we all were looking for the oldest repair method in history, the "restart" button.
I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.
"Our lives do not belong to us. From womb to grave we depend on people who lived and still live. With every crime committed, with every favour done we breed our future."
Cloud Atlas
This artificial light trapping my eyes, this giant display disregarding my existence, this culture consuming the skin of my individuality.
Industry Sunset
As much as stereotyping the human beings's ability to create, this second nature, which we have woven down to the smallest detail, nurtures his species-being with brand new aspects.
...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.
Shaping Love
Thought is a form of energy, it can be stored, kept safe but it cannot be destroyed. You cannot stop it from surfacing at some point.
...these moments start with feeling fed up. The weeks passed on slowly, with a ball of stress piling up in the stomach. And then, when you least expect it and there's no one else, you take the pen with boredom or hit the chord on the old guitar hanging in the corner and it all begins...
You can't believe all that's been spilt around when you sober up. They are still shining and moving right in front of you as if their heart was beating. Your opacity, on the other hand, is still at 33%. And you wish you never returned, and they kept spilling.
Every house is like a universe that has chaos and harmony at its heart. Each room that it contains, each area that gives it character has its own feeling and atmosphere.
"Loneliness does not come from having no people around one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible."
Carl Gustav Jung
"Action and consciousness aren't in harmony. Action wants to pick the unripe fruit from the tree whereas consciousness leaves them there to ripen for so long that they fall off and get stomped on."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Cordialis Roep
"For she had come to feel that it was the only thing worth saying--what one felt. Cleverness was silly. One must say simply what one felt."
Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway
Mother nature and I moved into a new planet. We traveled a few light-years and scattered all we had.
My mind was running so fast that if I had continued that way a little more that rusty mechanism would have failed at some point. I left without being noticed... Oh, damn! Had I turned the valve off before I left?
I've made a long-term memory of myself in the minds of people that I don't remember from last night.
Duo Semen
"We do not "come into" this world; we come out of it, as leaves from a tree. As the ocean "waves," the universe "peoples." Every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe."
Alan Watts
In the evening of a day - we didn't even know why it started- we saw that a movie we watched just for a moment of joy, ended in sorrow. What we do now is to rewind it and watch that bitter end again. We will do this over and over, until we destroy ourselves.
I'm just a silhouette made of details, an extra that passes behind on the most important day of your life.
Sometimes all we do is to idle around in a dimensionless platform in a troubled universe for an infinite time.